Saturday, September 22, 2012

more than just exist...

as i was looking through old postsecret archives tonight, i came across this one and something about it just struck me to the core.
YES! this is exactly how i feel.
when i am old and gray i want to know that i have done more than just exist in this world.
i want to know that i have done something to make a difference in the lives of those around me.
i want to touch people in ways that i dont even realize.
i have searched for this in my career and i feel this is one reason why i want to go into RT so badly.
i am passionate about it because i will be making a difference. i will be doing more than just existing.
however, i want to do this in my personal life too. i hope those close to me can feel this. i really do try to make a difference in their lives.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

what is happiness?

Webster's Dictionary defines Happiness as "a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."
But what does that really mean?
Honestly, I think everyone could answer that differently.
Some people experience happiness daily, and others are unable to define what that even feels like.
For me, happiness can be described in a lot of ways; holding hands, a hug from my nephews, a great cup of coffee, seeing my dog after a long day at work, an awesome rainstorm, spending time with those I love, the list could go on and on.
To me, all of those situations fit the definition of "a state of well-being".
I know Webster's definition of happiness, and there are countless books out there about how to "experience happiness" or trying to define for me what happiness should be like, but I am interested to know your thoughts.
So, how do you define happiness? How do you experience it in your life?